The Operation Walk Family: Q&A with a Veteran Travel Team Member

Veteran Travel Team member Beth Spinney reflects on her experience as a part of the Operation Walk Pittsburgh community. Beth Spinney is a physician assistant who has traveled with Operation Walk Pittsburgh on multiple missions. She lives in Florida. 

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How did you find out about Operation Walk Pittsburgh? 

I have been a physician assistant working in orthopaedics for 11 years, and had always been interested in doing volunteer work as a PA. I searched online and came across Operation Walk and it seemed like a perfect fit. 

Which trips have you gone on? Which was your favorite? 

I’ve traveled with OpWalk to Cuba, Guatemala and Honduras. I really enjoyed the trip to Honduras, particularly because we had opportunities to work with medical students there. Because they spoke English and could translate, I was able to get to know the patients much more and hear their stories. 

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What is a big difference you have noticed in healthcare in Central America versus that in the United States? 

In the United States, we have so many regulations, and time doing actual medical care gets taken away because we are behind the computer. On the trip, we still do documentation but it is nowhere near as tedious as in the United States. It’s so refreshing to come together with the same goal in mind and do it happily. 

What advice do you have for people considering doing an Operation Walk mission? 

Try to make connections with your team members, who will help you understand what to do and how to function as a medical provider there. 

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What does Operation Walk Pittsburgh mean to you? 

Operation Walk is a place where individuals can become a part of a family and develop relationships with those that we may never see again. It is incredible to be a part of a team making a lasting difference in people’s lives.