Back to the futbol field: Miguel Soto's Story

All of us on the Travel Team remember Miguel Soto's smile. From the moment he entered the clinic at the start of the Antigua 2019 mission to his day of discharge, Miguel charmed us with his bright spirit, jokes, and perpetual grin. 

To receive his left knee replacement, Miguel traveled to Antigua from his hometown about 2 hours away: Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa. There he works as a medical assistant for a local soccer team. 

"In my job, I work with soccer players in therapy and recuperation, which was extra difficult with the pain from my condition," he said. 


Throughout the week, in a mix of English and Spanish, Miguel joked around, and happily chatted with the Travel Team. He told us his knee pain had made daily work a struggle, as he often has to run onto the field to check on an injured player. He said that this surgery will allow him to do his job much more easily. 


"Thank you to each and every person who helped make this happen for me,” he said. “I never imagined I would have the chance to be cared for like this. It is a true blessing."

With restored mobility, Miguel can return not only to the soccer field, but to his active life.